Eosc - Synergy - Feedback report on project policy recommendations
This document reports on the feedback gathered from national and international engagement activities involving funding agencies, policy makers and other key stakeholders of the countries involved in EOSC-synergy, and to some extent of the international EOSC community. It builds upon the groundwork of D5.2, focusing on the implementation and impact of policy recommendations provided for the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). It presents an insightful overview of how individual countries (Czech Republic, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain, The Netherlands, and the UK) have engaged with and acted upon the recommendations, emphasizing both national events and direct stakeholder interactions. The report highlights key areas of focus for the future, including governance, sustainability, funding, and usability. The document serves as a handbook, guiding those involved in EOSC implementation at the national level, offering a lens into the progress made since the initial landscaping in D5.2.