Thematic Webinar #5: Urban design: from adaptation to resilience


In the face of escalating climate challenges and evolving societal needs, urban planning and design play a pivotal role in fostering resilience. Resilient urban design takes into account environmental, social and economic considerations, while focusing on the well-being of people living in it. Well-planned public spaces, mixed-use developments, and accessible transportation networks create inclusive and adaptive urban environments. Policymakers, urban planners and citizens need to work together for a future ready urban design.

Understanding urban design principles allows them to make informed decisions that mitigate current and future risks and enhance the sustainability of urban environments. Additionally, stronger governance in the city design by fostering collaboration between citizens, urban planners, private stakeholders, and policymakers can create cities that are not only sustainable but also socially inclusive and responsive to local needs. This webinar explores innovative approaches to urban adaptation, climate-proof design, and creative regeneration, offering a multidimensional perspective on how cities can respond to environmental and social transformations. 

The discussion will focus on three key areas: 

  • Designing and Implementing adaptation plans – Presenting a practical and structured tool (Urban Adaptation Support Tool) and approach to help cities develop, implement, and monitor climate adaptation strategies.
  • Adaptive urban transformations - Underlying the relevance of urban regeneration towards resilient cities looking "beyond sustainability" in a time of "poly-crisis".
  • Creative Urban Regeneration – Showcasing bottom-up initiatives that revitalise abandoned or underutilised historic buildings through low-cost, high-impact temporary reuse strategies that often transition into long-term sustainable solutions. 

This webinar is intended for policymakers, researchers, members of civil society, and individuals concerned with urban design and addressing social challenges during times of uncertainty. 

Preliminary Agenda: 

  • Welcome and introduction - Matias Barberis, EFIS Centre
  • Designing and implementing adaptation plans, the Urban Adaptation Tool  –  Ine Vandecasteele, European Environment Agency
  • Towards adaptive urban transformations for resilience in European cities – Sonia De Gregorio Hurtado, Jean Monnet Chair RegenEU-UPM
  • Urban regeneration: social engagement and crowdfunding for sustainable cities – Gianfranco Franz, UNIFE
  • Discussion – moderated by Fernando García, UPCT