CERIS - Disaster Resilient Society Annual Event


The FUTURESILIENCE project was present the annual event of the Disaster Resilient Societies network of the Community for European Research and Innovation for Security (CERIS) held on 4th-7th December in Brussels. Established back in 2014, CERIS gathers more than 1,500 stakeholders such as policy makers, end-users, academia, industry and civil society working on the domains of research and innovation and security studies. 

Two of our consortium partners – EFIS Centre and NTNU Social Research – actively participated in the event and presented at the second day dedicated to discussions around “Disaster Resilience and Risk Governance”. 

  • The project coordinator, Dr. Matias Barberis presented the FUTURESILIENCE approach on citizen engagement and its relevance on research projects. He highlighted the role of social experimentation and presented the FUTURESILIENCE labs approach based on active citizen participation. He emphasised the importance of promoting the science to policy approach and the role of citizens in policymaking as key for building robust and legitim policies for preparedness in the long term. 
  • Jörgen Sparf from NTNU Social Research participated in the session about “Anticipating tomorrow’s crises and adapting response means” presenting the innovative idea of the age of limits and how this sociological concept could be meaningful in the analysis of future resilient societies. 

You can download the full agenda of the event here: https://home-affairs.ec.europa.eu/whats-new/events/ceris-disaster-resilient-societies-annual-event-2023-12-04_en